Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My belated birthday party

I know that most of you know that I have just celebrated my Birthday a month ago. I celebrated my birthday with my family. It was so hard for me to find a day to have a birthday party while I had to go for the JPA PILN interview in Frankfurt on Friday on my birthday week itself. I actually decided to separate my birthday party in to two. One is only for people from Germany and another only for exchange students.

I had my birthday party on 30th of April. My whole morning was filled with preparations for my party. I bought too much food for the party. Kate had a party to attend so she had to leave the house early. I had the kitchen all to myself for 2 hours and Yvonne came by to help out. I planned to make the Chinese dish steamed water egg, "jing shui dan". Eventually they don't have a steamer or a Wok for me to steam. Everything here was so different and I had to figure out what items or ingredients to substitute with. I used rum instead of the chinese beer or something, the scents of rum was similar. I used a big pot as my steamer, there were no suitable utensils for me to put the pyrex dish into the pot. The steam from the water was really hot. Yvy thought of some basic way. She tied strings around the dish and slowly inserted in into the pot. It was a good and funny idea. However, it was not an ideal steamer. It added extra water to my egg as the lid of the pot was flat instead of being curved. I wasn't sure about the ration of the amount of water that I should use to the the amount of egg I had. It turned out really soft and fluffy. Besides the texture, I didn't add enough salt and soya sauce, the taste was really mild. It was really entertaining for me to see the expression of my guest eating my 'failed' product. However it tasted good for me after adding enough soy sauce. They weren't used to it, they ate a little (WITHOUT ADDING SOY SAUCE) and they didn't want more. They told me it was tasty but lack of taste. Of course I know what was the truth.

I invited more than 10 guest through facebook, most of them would really like to come but they were on holidays. Only 4 guests turned out yesterday, it was Doro, Maya, Rebecca and Leonie. I am not really close with Leonie to the extend that I actually can't recall her name. I can't even remember how I met her. However, everything turned out better than I expected. The girls were really nice people.  :) I was lucky that I had a good time with them. I got a board game from Maya and Doro, it's called activity. It's my first German board game. It's like pictionary. They played a few good rounds and I find that it was a really good gift that I have received. My neighbour Peter gave me a sling bag with the map of Koeln on it. It was unpredictable and 'useful'. I liked it alot.

My mom Kate had a Croquet set, it was a cute game. Rebecca, Leonie and I played it while we were waiting for Maya and Doro. The Cat Mila was all over the hooks, especially when I needed to hit the ball through a particular hook. She lied in front of the hook and scratched her cheeks on the hooks. She even rolled in front of the hook showing her white furry belly. Obviously, she wanted attention and people to rub her.

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