I have been in Germany for two weeks and three days already. I am finally going to school later to join the choir and brass ensemble in school. A friend of my host mom lent me a C-trumpet. It's very hard to handle.
I go to language courses everyday in a language school down town. The Iraq and Afghanistan boys are always so loud. They speak and laugh at their own jokes in class, which I didn't understand.(because it was in their own language) German was not expected to be as hard as what I am learning. The grammars are confusing for me. Just like what Fai told me that It's one of the hardest language to learn. However, when he told me about it, I didn't bother because what all I knew is that if I work on anything difficult, it can be easy one day.
An exchanged student from America who already speaks German told me that, you need to work on it everyday. He started speaking German when he woke up thinking in German one morning. He told me to wait for that day to come. It's really funny that things come naturally and we are not aware of it. Another guy I met, Maxmillian, went to Indonesia and now he speaks really fluent Bahasa Indonesia. He had a talkative host mom and she was talking to him all the time in her language. He had to try his best to understand pure Bahasa Indonesia for the first two weeks. After the first two weeks, the language did it's job.
I felt really left out when I saw the other AFS exchange students are making contact with each other and they already made friends with the local people here through school. I am having this enthusiasm to go to school. However, another exchange student showed me around the school last week. I joined her classes but she gave me the impression that it is hard to make friends. She has no close friends, I can feel that she is lonely.
I am a little worried, but I think I will find one.